
文章来源:AP,Chicago Tribune, CNN   时间:2012年09月09日 点击:4982 次 评论: 604

(Source: Chicago Tribune, CNN )


教师工会主席Karen Lewis,9月9日晚宣布明日教师罢工


芝加哥教师工会宣布罢工后,芝加哥公立学校(CPS)的紧急应对方案 Child First 已经启动。教师罢工期间,芝加哥将开放144所公立学校,由公立学校指派人员负责学生的集中看管。



本网从可靠消息来源了解到,Chilrd First 这种集中看管小孩的紧急应对方案,并非让家长们放心的方式,受影响的华人家长们,不到万不得已,不建议选择Child First。



Chicago teachers to strike after talks fail

Associated Press

Updated at 10:57 PM today

The Chicago Teachers Union says its members will go on strike Monday for the first time in 25 years.

The union says contract talks with the district failed late Sunday night over issues including benefits and job security.

More than 26,000 teachers and support staff are expected to hit the picket lines, while the school district and parents make plans for keeping students safe and occupied during the day.

The walkout comes after months of tense negotiations between Mayor Rahm Emanuel, the school board and union leaders at a time when unions and collective bargaining have come under criticism around the nation during difficult economic times.

District officials have made plans to feed and monitor students at 144 schools throughout the city during the strike. 



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