
文章来源:芝加哥侨学网   时间:2012年07月25日 点击:6813 次 评论: 587

首届“科工专少年才艺大赛” 参赛选手李贵哲(Arthur Li),现年16岁,为Illinois Math and Science Academy(IMSA)学校的优秀学生。该校国际象棋队队长、计算机维修队成员、 网球队队员,以及美国围棋协会(American GO Association)会员,这些身份,充分诠释了李贵哲的业余爱好与多才多艺。

李贵哲擅长计算机编程,小小年纪就已经掌握了Java, HTML, javascript, CSS3, HTML5 , C+ 这些计算机语言,并能独立编写程序及网页。他在学校的高级计算机课程上获得5分评级,自是不在话下。对他而言,也许象棋就是一种程序,他每天都花两个小时去研究象棋棋艺。








I’m Arthur Li(李贵哲), a rising junior at IMSA (Illinois Math and Science Academy). I’m the current captain of the chess team, member of the SCS team dedicated to fixing computers at IMSA, and Leading Students to Success member. I spend at least two hours a day studying chess. I won 8th place in the ICCA Freshman competition and Sophomore Competition, 4th place at State for 4th and 8th board.

I have also learned to play GO(围棋), I’m also a member of the American Go Association and currently ranked 8k.I have learned to use Java, HTML, javascript, CSS3, HTML5 and C# programming languages to create software programs and web pages. With that I also received a 5 on my AP computer science test. I like to play sports like tennis and basketball. I’m currently on the IMSA tennis and was on the Waubonsie Valley tennis team.

I’m very fluent with Chinese and have exceptional skills in reading and writing. I’ve read three of the four 四大名著, these three include 水浒传,西游记, and 三国演义. I find that I relate more to 诸葛亮 because I love reading books, learning, and strategizing. I’m also a positive person and anything bad can be good.

首届科工专少年才艺大赛   欢迎报名!


时间:2012年8月18日(星期六,11:00 AM -4:30PM )

地点: 2012 “夏日朝阳,未来梦想” 野餐联谊会

Grove #1, Deer Grove East Forest Preserve,
Palatine, IL 60067
GPS 参考地址:1552 N Pepper Tree Dr, Palatine, IL 60067

                                                                           (李贵哲为才艺大赛及野餐联谊会的 中文“题词” )


报名:科工专网上报名http://www.acse.org ),报名截止8月17日



王亚勤 630-493-9647

张新亚 312-316-0981

于洪月  630-251-5359

李红卫 630-362-3928

潘    卫 914-841-3012








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