
文章来源:IDNR   时间:2024年10月18日 点击:576 次 评论: 0

伊州自然资源部放养的均为彩虹鳟(Rainbow Trout)


芝加哥侨学网报道】2024伊州秋季鳟鱼季(Illinois Fall Trout Season)10月19日本周六起对公众开放,钓鱼爱好者们可以体验渔猎之乐,与家人朋友共享金秋户外好时光。



今秋芝加哥市及周边郡县放养鳟鱼的湖泊包括:位于O’Hare机场附近的Axehead Lake,Belleau Lake;西郊银湖 Silver Lake、Grove Lake、Pickerel Lake; 西北郊区Busse Lake(North Pool);芝加哥市南部的狼湖(Wolf Lake);北郊Banana Lake,Sand Lake ;西南郊的Horesetail Lake,Sag Quarry East等。查询更多鳟鱼放养湖泊见文尾。



钓鳟鱼除了要购买常规的钓鱼证外(Fishing License,普通伊州居民$15/年,老年人则半价),此外还需额外购买内陆鳟鱼许可(Inland Trout Stamp),价格为$6.5(如果年初已经购买,秋季就不再需要再次购买)。盲人、残障人士、退伍军人、正在服役中的休假军人,以及16岁以下的儿童青少年免费。 购买相关渔证,可直接到IDNR网站(www.ifishillinois.org),或者直接到本地渔具店。


伊州法律规定每人每天只可以留下5条鳟鱼,违规多留鱼将被罚款。户外钓鱼,请携带钓鱼证、Trout Stamp,注意遵守法规,回收垃圾

芝加哥侨学网 报道)


Cook County:

Axehead Lake, Cook County Forest Preserve District

Belleau Lake, Cook County Forest Preserve District

Busse Woods North Lake, Cook County Forest Preserve District

Green Lake in Calumet City, Cook County Forest Preserve District

Horsetail Lake, Cook County Forest Preserve District

Sag Quarry East, Cook County Forest Preserve District

Wolf Lake at William W. Powers State Recreation Area, Chicago

DuPage County:

Grove Lake, DuPage County Forest Preserve District

Pickerel Lake, DuPage County Forest Preserve District

Silver Lake, DuPage County Forest Preserve District

Will County:

Lake Strini, Romeoville

Van Horn Woods, Plainfield

Lake County:
Sand Lake, Illinois Beach State Park

McHenry County:
Spring Grove Hatchery Pond, Spring Grove

Kankakee County:

Bird Park Quarry, Kankakee

Rock Creek, Kankakee River State Park

Big Lake, Silver Springs State Fish and Wildlife Area




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