
文章来源:IIT-CSSA   时间:2012年03月01日 点击:3985 次 评论: 119

芝加哥“文化与职业俱乐部”(The Culture and Career Club in Chicago)将与伊州理工大学中国学生会(IITCSSA311日于伊州理工大学举办“在美职业发展”(How to Navigate Corporate America)专题讲座,欢迎参加。


 管理咨询专家、 AdSum公司创办人Yin Kean 将担任本次讲座的主持人,活动内容还将包括专题研讨。讲座免费向大众开放:


地点:McCormick Tribune Campus Center, Auditorium Room, IIT 3201 S State Street, ChicagoIL)。




                2 pm - 2:45 pm registration & networking

                2:45 pm - 4:15 pm panel discussion

                4:15 pm – 5 pm Q&A


 How to deal with the language barrier and adapting to the mainstream culture?

   1. The proper way to handle the challenge, how to be better prepared?

   2. Professionals share their career or entrepreneur experience.

   3. Professionals’ views on how to be more integrated with the western culture.


 How to navigate Corporate America?

   1. Practical advices on how to go through the recruitment process and advance your career in a US corporation.

   2. Professional tips on year-end evaluation, promotions, etc.

   3. How to build a strategic career path and goal?


Free drink and snacks will be provided



 1. IIT visitor parking Lots is free on Sunday. For visitor parking lots map, please go to http://www.iit.edu/~parking/pdfs/parkingmap.pdf

 2. Street parking: You can choose side parking along Michigan Ave, which is 2~5 minutes walk to McCormick Tribune Campus Center


Direction to IIT by CTA:

 Take CTA Red Line (Howard-95th/Dan Ryan) to Sox-35th station

 Take CTA Green Line (Ashland-63rd or 63rd-Cottage Grove) to 35th-Bronzeville-IIT station



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