
文章来源:美国华人金融协会   时间:2012年01月30日 点击:3785 次 评论: 122

美国华人金融协会(Chinese Finance Association of America ,CFAA)将于2月7日举办新春招待会,并邀请UBS公司金融专家Mr. Uwe Schillhorn担任主讲嘉宾,同大家探讨全球经济状况,特别是发达国家无风险资产的消失及影响。本次活动将是一次同芝加哥金融专业人士社交联谊的良机,欢迎各界朋友提前注册,届时参加。

新春招待会具体时间为:2月7日,下午5时至晚8时;地点为:The Union League Club of Chicago,French Room, 7th Floor (65 W. Jackson Blvd,Chicago, IL)。

本次活动收费标准为:CFAA会员每人$10, 非会员每人$15, 临时入场每位$20。提前注册登记,请点击。 参加本次招待会举办地对着装有要求,请着正装。


·    5:00 – 5:30pm Registration
·    5:30 – 6:30pm Reception (Hors d'oeuvres served & cash bar)
·    6:30 – 6:35pm Welcome Speech by CFAA
·    6:35 – 6:40pm Speech by Chinese Consulate General (Preliminary)
·    6:40 – 6:45pm Presenting “CFAA 2011 Member of the Year Award”
·    6:45 – 7:30pm Speech by Mr. Uwe Schillhorn, CFA
·    7:30 – 8:00pm Q&A and Conclusion


Mr. Uwe Schillhorn, CFA is currently Managing Director and Head of Emerging Markets Debt at UBS Global Asset Management. Mr. Schillhorn also serves as a Vice President of two investment companies (consisting of two portfolios) for which UBS Global Asset Management serves as investment advisor or manager.

He served as a Vice President of Strategic Global Income Fund Inc., Global High Income Dollar Fund, Inc. and Global High Income and Strategic Global Managed High Yield Plus Fund Inc. since 2004. Mr. Schillhorn served as a Portfolio Manager of Global High Income Dollar Fund, Inc.

He served as Head of Emerging Markets Debt at UBS Global Asset Management (US) Inc., the investment advisor and administrator of Global High Income Dollar Fund Inc., since 2004. Mr. Schillhorn served as a Vice President of Insured Municipal Income Fund Inc., since 2004. He also served as a Portfolio Manager of Strategic Global Income Fund Inc. He has been a Director of UBS Global Asset Management (US) Inc., since 1995.




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