
文章来源:美国华人金融协会   时间:2011年08月14日 点击:5016 次 评论: 590

美国华人金融协会(CFAA)将于8月18日举办“磨练软实力走向成功”( Achieve Success Through Stronger Soft Skills)专题讲座,主办方将邀请职业社交培训中心(Geotrans Learning Center)总经理胡艳芳博士,将为大家讲解华裔专业人士在职业生涯中面临的机遇与挑战,就培养语言能力、人际交流技巧等“软实力”提供分析与建议。



本次讲座的具体时间为8月18日,下午5:15,地点为市中心The Union League Club of Chicago,7楼 Room 700(65 West Jackson Blvd,Chicago,IL )。本次讲座,美国华人金融协会会员每位$8, 非会员网上登记,每位$13, 现场登记,每位$18。参加本次活动请着正装,不可穿牛仔裤、无领衬衫、拖鞋。


Thursday, August 18, 2011
5:15 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.


5:15 – 5:30pm Registration
5:30 – 6:00pm Networking
6:00 – 6:40pm Ms. Hu’s speech
6:40 – 7:00pm Q&A
Fee: CFAA Member – $8; Non-CFAA Member with online payment - $13; Walk-ins - $18
Pay Online Now



Dr. Diana Y. Hu


Dr. Diana Y. Hu is currently the General Manager of Geotrans Learning Center (www.geotranslearning.com), an online based training company. The company offers a five month long weekly training course that allows foreign-born professionals to enhance their American English language skills, communication capability and understanding of the American culture in both business and social context. Her prior work experiences include management consulting at PricewaterhouseCoopers and Deloitte Consulting, and marketing and corporate finance positions at Allstate Insurance Company. Diana has a MBA degree from University of Chicago and a Ph.D. in biophysics from Baylor College of Medicine.


Chinese Finance Association of America (CFAA) is an independent not-for-profit, non-partisan organization committed to promoting educational and cultural exchange among finance professionals between the United States and Greater China through facilitating communication and the exchange of ideas in the financial industry. Incorporated and headquartered in Chicago, Illinois, CFAA is aimed to serve Chinese finance professionals and others who are interested in the financial industry of Greater China. Please visit our website www.ChineseFinanceAssociation.orgfor more information about CFAA. To become a CFAA member, or to renew your CFAA membership and make your membership payment, please go to themembership sectionon our website. If you are interested in the volunteering opportunities at CFAA, please submit the volunteer and staff application form. For global career opportunities in finance, please visit our newly launchedOnline Job Centerthrough our partnership with one of the leading global career placement companies eFinancialCareers.com.



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