康威竞选库克郡检察长,3月17日选举请投 #142

Punch #142. Vote for Democrat Bill Conway

Bill Conway
For Cook County State's Attorney



3月17日选举,请投 #142

Vote for Democrat Bill Conway on March 17th

Punch #142

司法公正、反腐改革、严惩枪支犯罪,是比尔康威(Bill Conway)竞选库克郡检察长(Cook County State's Attorney)三大原因。



比尔康威履历丰富,他拥有宾西法尼亚大学沃顿学院会计专业学士学位、芝加哥大学布斯商学院MBA、乔治唐大学法学博士学位。他曾在摩根大通银行任职,负责投资银行的并购、债务清偿与融资业务,他还是参与创办了芝加哥大学的风险投资公司“海德天使”(Hyde Park Angels)。

Bill Conway, 德保罗大学金融学讲师

Bill Conway, 前美国海军情报官

Bill Conway曾在卡塔尔、阿富汗服役,追踪塔利班武装经费来源



比尔康威认为,目前的库克郡检察长办公室存在司法不公的严重问题,一些有政治关系的人总能在司法过程中获得比别人更好的结果。他也对现任库克郡检察长肯姆福克斯(Kim Foxx)感到失望。

在众所周知的演艺明星斯莫莱特(Jussie Smollett)案件中,现任检察长居然撤销对该明星的16项指控,而芝加哥警察局则要求联邦政府介入。比尔康威表示,他还也了解到现任检察长福克斯与因腐败丑闻而被起诉的芝加哥区长爱德华伯克(Aldeman Ed Burke)有着根深蒂固的联系:






比尔康威竞选库克郡检察长,得到了华埠联盟(United Chinatown Organization)的大力支持。在芝加哥中国城发生华人同胞遭枪杀案之后,比尔康威出席众多华人社区活动,支持芝加哥华人社区,向华人社区侨领们了解中国城治安问题。

Bill Conway出席中国城社区活动


比尔康威希望能得到华人选民的支持!今年3月17日的选举,请投票支持Bill Conway竞选库克郡检察长! 请投#142


A New Day for Cook County

Bill Conway is running for State’s Attorney to enact real criminal justice reform and keep our community safe. He will promote a criminal justice system that’s fair and humane to non-violent offenders, and will make us all safer by keeping the most dangerous off our streets, cutting off the flow of illegal guns into our community, and getting politics out of an office where it doesn’t belong.

As a Cook County Assistant State’s Attorney, Bill went after corrupt government officials who betrayed the public’s trust. And drawing from lessons he learned as a Naval Intelligence Officer fighting the Taliban, Bill will use new and innovative strategies to cut off the flow of illegal guns into our neighborhoods.

Fighting for Fairness and Justice

Bill was born and raised in Chicago. After earning degrees from the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School and Georgetown School of Law, he returned home to become a Cook County Assistant State’s Attorney.

In the State’s Attorney’s Office, Bill worked every day to find justice for victims. He watched non-violent offenders have their lives ruined by a system that wrongly prioritized low-level crimes while dangerous criminals worked loopholes and went back on the streets. Bill put the truly dangerous behind bars, but focused on giving a second chance to people who just made a mistake, allowing them to pull their lives together and become productive members of our community.

Conway went on to join the office’s newly created Public Corruption and Financial Crimes unit, in which he fought to hold corrupt, politically-connected government officials accountable. He also put multiple police officers who abused their power in jail, because those who are supposed to enforce the law shouldn’t be above it.

Today, the State’s Attorney’s Office, where Bill once worked, needs change. Regardless of race, zip code, income level, or who they know, everyone deserves fairness, justice, and equality.

New Tactics to Stop Illegal Guns

For years the approach in Afghanistan had been to target Taliban fighters, who would then be replaced by more militants with more weapons. Bill’s mission with Naval Intelligence was to employ new and innovative tactics to go after the drug money that financed the Taliban’s gun trafficking. He learned that if you follow the money, you can root out the cause of the problem.

Here at home, the old way of keeping illegal guns off our streets isn’t working. The police are getting the illegal guns, only to have perpetrators of gun violence back on the street with new and more deadly weapons. Bill wants to take the lessons he learned in the Navy to bring new, smart, and innovative strategies to cut off the funding that puts illegal guns on our streets. Working in our communities and with our neighboring counties and states, we can make us all safer by going after the gangs that profit by flooding our streets with illegal guns. And if you commit a crime with a gun while Conway’s in office, you’re going to jail.

In addition to his law degree, Bill also holds an MBA from the University of Chicago. Today he teaches finance at DePaul University and lives in Chicago with his wife Brittany and their daughter Bella



 (广告,paid by Friends of Bill Conway)

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