
文章来源:华埠特别服务区管理委员会   时间:2019年12月17日 点击:3425 次 评论: 639

华埠特别服务区管理委员会(Chinatown SSA Committee)12月16日向中文媒体发布新闻稿,内容如下:


On November 6, 2019, at a regular meeting of the Chinatown Special Service Area #73 (SSA#73), Alderman Byron Sigcho-Lopez’s office and the City of Chicago Department of Planning and Development informed the SSA commissioners that the budget for SSA#73 for 2020 was being amended and cut by 72%.


Compared to the original 2020 budget that the commissioners had approved in July 2019, this amended budget for the 2020 property tax levy does not have allocations to: 1) clean the streets and do trash removal, including emptying the red garbage cans; 2) maintain the landscaping for the Cermak median and the landscaping near Cermak for the Wells-Wentworth project; 3) install bike racks; 4) sponsor the Chinatown Summer Fair; and 5) other beautification projects that were being discussed, such as murals in the alleys.

The commissioners had budgeted approximately $20,000 for emptying the garbage cans and cleaning the sidewalks.  They had also budgeted approximately $20,000 for the landscaping maintenance of both the Cermak median planter and the new plantings on Wentworth.


The ten red garbage cans that the SSA#73 had installed will not be removed, as only the city has authorization to do so.  They were purchased and installed with taxpayer dollars, and are property of the City of Chicago.


The commissioners of Chinatown SSA#73 hope that this budget reduction is temporary, and that the levy will be raised to what it was before the reduction.

在过去的两年中,唐人街#73特别服务区安装了十只垃圾桶,并在唐人街旺季时进行一周七次(周末每天两次)的清空工作。SSA还在路灯柱上安装了识别唐人街的幡旗,对人行道进行了深度清洁,清除积雪,重新给路灯柱上的龙灯刷漆。另外,SSA很快将在Allen Lee广场安装象棋桌椅和空中彩灯,并在芝加哥公共图书馆唐人街分馆旁安装象棋桌椅。

In the past two years, the Chinatown SSA#73 has installed ten garbage cans and scheduled pick up once a day, 7 days a week (twice on weekends) during the busy months in Chinatown.  The SSA also has installed banners on light poles identifying Chinatown, power washed the sidewalks, provided snow removal, re-painted the dragon lights on the light poles. In addition, the SSA will soon install game table sets and string lights at Allen Lee Plaza, and, game table sets at the Chinatown Branch of The Chicago Public Library.

The public is invited to attend the SSA meeting, usually last Tuesday of each month, at the Lenard Louie Fieldhouse to discuss this situation with the SSA Commissioners. 

如对损失的服务和缩减的经费有任何问题,请向区长卢汉士咨询www.25thward.org (773/523-4100)。

Please direct all questions regarding the loss of services and reduction of funding to Alderman Byron Sigcho-Lopez at www.25thward.org (773/523-4100).

(消息来源:芝城华商会 )



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