“四海同春” 2020春节晚会:2月1日芝加哥举行

文章来源:华联会   时间:2019年12月14日 点击:5341 次 评论: 628

鼠年春节即将来临! 由中国侨联主办,大芝加哥地区华侨华人联合会承办的2020年“四海同春”新春晚会将与2月1日(周六)晚7时在芝加哥市中心Harris Theater隆重上演, 为芝加哥广大侨胞们献上一场精彩绝伦的大戏,恭贺农历庚子鼠年!


主办: 中国侨联

时间:2020年2月1日(周六)晚上7:00 PM
地点:Harris Theater 
          205 E Randolph St, Chicago IL 60601

票价:$38, $50, $70,$100


王 涛    (847)363-5990  
刘炯玲 (847)217-1688  
郑 征   (630)667-3183
汪兴无 (847)340-9298  
栾文琦 (847)609-5983  
何达权 (312)560-5706
何振宇 (708)316-8816  
朱萍萍 (630)863-1868  
吴 灏  (630)881-4216
陈 青   (312) 291-6328  
梁 琨  (773)551-0498  
容荫宁 (630)664-7885
郝志鹏  (847) 920-8718  
余娉婷 (847) 754-9957  
张怀波 (630)670-0954
李 畅  (630)873-0768

2020 大芝加哥地区华侨华人”四海同春 ”新春晚会赞助表

Event Sponsorship 晚会赞助:

- Platinum Sponsorship: $5,000 白金赞助:

赠送 10张 A 区贵宾票及价值$1000 的彩色封底广告版面
(with this sponsorship, sponsor will receive ten VIP Zone A show tickets, and one full page back cover
Color AD of $1,000 value)

- Gold Sponsorship: $3,000 黄金赞助

赠送 6张 A 区贵宾票及价值$1000 的彩色封底或封二/三广告版面
(with this sponsorship, sponsor will receive six VIP Zone A show tickets, and one full page back cover
Color AD of $1,000 value)

- Silver Sponsorship: $1,800 白银赞助

赠送 2 张 A区贵宾票及价值$800 的彩色广告版面
(with this sponsorship, sponsor will receive two VIP Zone A show tickets, and one full page
inside back cover or page next to inside back cover Color AD of $800 value).

- Bronze Sponsorship: $1,000 青铜赞助

赠送 2 张 B 区贵宾票及价值$250 的黑白半页广告版面
(with this sponsorship, sponsor will receive two VIP Zone B show tickets, and one half-page Black/white
AD of $250 value)

- Supporter: $500 晚会共同主席

赠送 2 张C区贵宾票及价值$150 的黑白 1/4 頁广告版面
(with this sponsorship, sponsor will receive two VIP Zone C show tickets, and a 1/4 page Black/white AD
of $150 value)

** Note: the above sponsors will be honored as Co-Chairs in the program book and at the event

Advertisement in Program Book 各类广告赞助:

- Back Cover (color) 彩色封底: 预留最高赞助金额单位个人

- Back cover inside (color) 彩色封底内页: 预留最高赞助金额单位个人

- Front cover inside (color) 彩色封面内页: 预留最高赞助金额单位个人

- Full Page inside next to the
back cover inside (color) 彩色封底内页邻页: $800 (provide 3 @ VIP ZoneB show tickets)

- Full Page inside (color)全页彩色: $600 (provide 4 @ VIP ZoneC show tickets)

- Full Page (black & white) 全页黑白: $400 (provide 3 @ Regular tickets)

- Half Page (black & white) 半页黑白: $250 (provide 2 @ Regular tickets)

- Quarter Page (black & white) 1/4 页黑白: $150 (provide 1 @ Regular ticket)

Check Payable to: 支票抬头请写:CAAGC

Please mail your check with this form to(支票和填好的赞助表,请直接寄至下列华联会地址):
CAAGC (PO Box 867, Westmont, IL 60559)


朱萍萍   (630) 863-1868 (ping8198@hotmail.com)
胡晓军   (312)405-3155 (tonygourmetgroup.com)
何达权   (312) 560-5706 (dqhe2060@yahoo.com)
吴灏     (630)881-4216 (Howard@tarpsupply.com)
王涛     (847) 363-5990 (tnywang1@comcast.net)
赵健航   (312) 593-2181 (kinhongchiu@yahoo.com)
余娉婷   (847) 754-9957 (pingtingyu@hotmail.com)
刘炯玲   (847) 217-1688 (ling.adi@gmail.com)



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