
文章来源:IIT CSSA   时间:2011年03月31日 点击:3520 次 评论: 90

伊州理工学院中国学生学者联合会(IIT CSSA),将同旅美中国科学家工程师专业人士协会(科工专,ACSE)于4月2日在该学院联合举办在美国求职及工作的专题讲座,三位来自科工专的成员将和大家分享他们在美国多年工作的经验心得,帮助同学们更加顺利的开启在美职业生涯。


1. 阎金安 (President, Quality Environmental Solutions)
将发表“浅谈近20年在美国求学及工作经验”演讲,介绍个人如何准备简历, 面试,调整身份;怎样努力把工作变成事业;  从雇主的角度介绍希望寻找什么样的人才。

2. 胡艳芳(Diana Y. Hu),Founder and general manager, Geotrans Distance Learning LLC
“Beyond Credentials and Hard Work: Challenges Facing Chinese-American Professionals and the Importance of Soft Skill Development”

3. 周麓波 (Senior R&D manager  at UOP, 科工专会长 )
周麓波会长届时将发表“如何准备在美国大公司工作”( Be Ready to Work in US Corporations)专题演讲。


讲座具体时间为:4月2日(周六)下午3点至5点,地点为:伊州理工学院(Engineering 1, Room  104 ),具体地址为:10 W.  32nd St.,Chicago, IL 60616。



1980-1988          清华大学水利系;
1988-1992          中国科学院岩土工程研究所;
1992-1994          Geotechnical Engineering, Wayne State University;
1994-2004         Several Consulting Companies: Project Engineer, Project Manager, Sr. Project  Manager,  Director.        
2004 –present    President, Quality Environmental Solutions 

 胡艳芳 (Diana Y. Hu)

Chinese Americans are known for their good education and hard work. However, their success in the US is not where it should be, as a recent research demonstrated. For Chinese American professionals career challenges exist as they compete with natives and equally qualified foreigners from other countries. Unique challenges facing many Chinese professionals illustrate our weakness in soft skills, from how we physically present ourselves, how we communicate verbally, to how we position ourselves in a team setting.
  Ph.D., Molecular Physiology & Biophysics, Baylor College of Medicine;
MBA, Strategy, Marketing & Finance, University of Chicago Booth Graduate School of Business;
Business strategy consulting experience with PricewaterhouseCoopers & Deloitte Consulting;
Corporate experience: Finance & Marketing departments at Allstate Insurance Company;
Founder and general manager, Geotrans Distance Learning LLC, an online professional training company focusing on cross-culture, language and communication skill training.

Chinese students often experienced culture shocking when they came to US for study. However, more challenges are waiting for them after they obtain their degrees. For those who are looking for jobs in US corporations, they need to overcome many hurdles such as language barrier, lack of social network, lack of knowledge of US corporate culture, etc. The lucky ones who can locate a job in a short time period after graduation still need to climb corporate ladder later. In this presentation, the speaker will share his experience with the audiences on how a Chinese student can prepare himself/herself for working in US corporations.
About the author: Lubo Zhou got his B.E. degree in Chemical Engineering from Tsinghua University in Beijing, China in 1986, and his PhD degree in Chemical Engineering from Texas A&M University at College Station, Texas in 1995. He then worked as a process engineer at Fluor Daniel in Houston, Texas. He joined UOP at Des Plaines, Illinois in August of 1996, and has been working for the company since. At UOP, he started as a R&D specialist, and was promoted to senior R&D specialist, R&D manager. He is now a senior R&D manager leading a team of about 20 scientists at UOP. Dr. Zhou holds 11 US patents and filed another 18 US patent applications. He has chaired many international conferences. Dr. Zhou is very active in professional Chinese-American organizations. He was the president of Chinese-American Chemical Society last year, and is the current president of Association of Chinese-American Scientists and Engineers.



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