全美华人金融协会(TCFA)芝加哥分会,将于3月24日 (本周四) 在市中心举办2011新春招待会,本次活动将邀请金融界专家专题演讲,是一次分享新知,交流联谊的良机。
中国驻芝加哥总领事馆杨国强总领事届时将出席新春招待会,并致开幕辞。著名金融投资管理公司LSV Asset Management 研究部主任斯万兰森博士(Bhaskaran Swaminathan)将发表 “量化理财管理:金融行为学的现实运用”专题演讲。LSV公司是一家量化投资管理公司,旗下所管理资产规模超过400亿美元,该公司研究部主任Bhaskaran Swaminathan 博士,其研究领域包括资产定价、行为金融学、市场效率、股票评估等,曾在众多权威金融学术刊物上发表论文。
ABN Amro Clearinghouse公司副总裁舍勒汀基( Charles Sernatinger)将发表“全球大宗商品及原材料需求增长所带来的挑战与机遇”主题演讲。Charles Sernatinger在商品交易领域有着30多年的从业经验,他对商品交易领域的挑战与机遇等观点,广受主流媒体所关注。
本次活动具体时间为3月24日晚 5:30,地点为晨星公司(Morningstar USA)多功能厅(22 W. Washington St., Chicago, IL 60602)。本次活动包括社交联谊,开幕致辞,专题演讲以及自由问答,是一次与芝加哥金融界华裔专才,金融界精英领袖交流联谊的良机。本次新春招待会是由全球华人金融协会赞助(TCFA Global),公众免费参加,参加本次活动请着正装,不可穿牛仔裤。
TCFA Chicago 2011 Sprint Reception Party
Now FREE Sponsored by TCFA Global
Event: TCFA Chicago 2011 Spring Reception Party
· Welcoming Remarks by Guoqiang YANG - Consul General of the People's Republic of China
· "Quantitative Money Management: A Practical Application of Behavioral Finance" by Bhaskaran Swaminathan, Ph.D., Partner & Director of Research, LSV Asset Management
· "The Increase of the Global Demand of Commodities and Raw Materials - Challenges / Opportunities" by Charles Sernatinger, Vice President, ABN Amro Clearinghouse
Date: Thursday, March 24, 2011
Location: Morningstar, USA - Auditorium
22 West Washington Street, Chicago, IL 60602
5:30 - 6:30pm: Registration and networking (Appetizers & Drinks Served)
6:30 - 6:45pm: Welcome Remarks by Consul General Guoqiang (Jeffery) Yang
6:45 - 7:05pm: Presentation by Bhaskaran Swaminathan, Ph.D
7:05 - 7:25pm: Presentation by Charles (Charlie) Sernatinger
7:25 - 8:00pm: Q & A Session
Fee: Free (Sponsored by TCFA Global)
Attire: Business casual (No Jeans)
Contact: RSVP by Wednesday, March 23, 2011 to: TCFAChicagoRSVP@yahoogroups.com
Bhaskaran Swaminathan, Ph.D.
Dr. Swaminathan currently is the director of research at LSV Asset Management, a quantitative value investing firm with asset under management of more than $40B. The firm was formed by a group of leading academics in behavioral finance. Dr. Swaminathan 's research interests include asset pricing, behavioral finance, market efficiency and stock valuation. His work has been published in major academic journals such as the Journal of Finance, Review of Financial Studies, Journal of Financial Economics, Journal of Accounting Research, Financial Analysts Journal, Journal of Business and Journal of Portfolio Management. His work on valuing the Dow has won the Graham and Dodd Award of Excellence from the Association for Investment Management and Research (AIMR).
Charles Sernatinger
Mr. Sernatinger has over 30 years of experience in the area of commodities and is well regarded in printed media of his opinion on the current challenges and opportunities in the industry. He graduated from the Oberlin College in 1976,with a Double Degree in German Literature and Economics and from Albert-Ludwigs Universitaet, Freiburg-im-Breisgau, Germany. He started his career at Drexel Burnham Lambert, where he was Vice President there for 14 years. He then moved to Smith Barney Haris Upham for 4 years. He then was Vice President of Chicago Grain Sales at E.D. & F. Man International for four years. He is now the Vice President of Commodities Sales at Fortis Clearing Americas (Now ABN Amro Clearinghouse).