
文章来源:协胜公会   时间:2011年01月29日 点击:18405 次 评论: 965


2月5日将在北华埠举行的春节游行,主办方协胜公会已向芝加哥市长戴利(Richard Daley)发出邀请,希望戴利市长能参加这场年度盛事,与芝加哥华裔社区共同庆祝中国新年。




January 29, 2011
Richard M. Daley
Mayor of Chicago
City Hall
121 N. LaSalle Street
Chicago , Illinois 60602
Dear Mayor Daley,
It is with great pleasure that I invite you to celebrate the 4707th Chinese Lunar New Year with the Hip Sing Association and the Chinese-American community.  Please join us for the Annual Chinese Lunar New Year Parade at Argyle Street Saturday, February 5, 2011.
Hip Sing Association is a traditional Chinese association that was established to support Chinese immigrants in Chicago .  Since 1900, not only has the Hip Sing Association been fulfilling the needs of the Chinese-American community but it also has been bringing awareness of Chinese tradition and culture to the community.  It has chapters in Chinese-American communities throughout major cities in the U.S. including New York , Seattle and San Francisco .
With the Chinese Lunar New Year approaching, Hip Sing Association proudly presents the 4707th Chinese Lunar Year parade in celebration of the Year of the Rabbit. The parade will take place on Saturday, February 5, 2011 at 1PM. The parade will include a fantastic fireworks show, traditional dragon and lion dances, beautifully-decorated floats, and enthusiastic high school marching bands. We would love to see your attendance and participation at this culturally-important event to the Chinese community of Chicago .
Prior to the parade, we invite you to a traditional dim sum lunch and tea at the Hip Sing Association office at 12PM.  The parade will then start promptly at 1PM at Argyle Street and Broadway Street heading East on Argyle Street .  It will then make a loop by going South on Sheridan Road , then West on Lawrence Avenue , then back North on Broadway Street before returning to Argyle Street .
We sincerely hope that you can join us for this special event as we promise it will be a fun-filled day of celebrating Chinese heritage and culture in Chicago .
Thank you for your attention.  If you have any questions about the day’s activities, please feel free to contact me at (847) 852-6223.
Kind regards,
Joseph Chan
General Coordinator
2011 Lunar Chinese New Year Parade at Argyle Street
Jonathan Au                                                             Lam Shui Yum           
Hip Sing Association, Chicago Chapter                    Hip Sing Association, Chicago Chapter
President                                                                                             President
Mobile: 773-865-1668                                                 Mobile : 773-716-7708


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